From Ashes to Beauty

Embarking on My New Beginning.

Reasons to Begin Anew:

  • Shed those persistent pounds.

  • Reduce abdominal fat.

  • Boost your metabolic rate.

  • Embrace a pain-free existence.

  • Purify your body and elevate your spiritual journey.

  • Embody vitality regardless of age.

  • Experience the pinnacle of well-being and life fulfillment.

Rebirth Through Faith: My Restart Journey

Greetings, I’m Karen, fondly known to many as "Special K", the heart and soul behind the ReStart Movement. A few years back, a divine calling led me to initiate this transformative journey aimed at enhancing lives through a holistic approach. By embracing whole foods, self-care, fitness, natural remedies, and organic supplements, we aim to address wellness in its entirety, creating a sanctuary from ailments and diseases.

The title "Restart Specialist" is personal to me. Seventeen years ago, a heart-wrenching incident during a date night claimed my husband's life. Plunged into a chasm of fear, I grappled with depression and PTSD, often feeling choked by my own emotions. Some days, the sheer act of breathing seemed a monumental task, and I watched my weight plummet from 131 to 116 pounds within a week. However, the crucible of my despair only strengthened my bond with faith. Even at my weakest, I believed that God was sculpting a message from my mess. The pain, both mental and physical, was an ordeal, but my unwavering trust in Him ensured that my spirit never waned. Every day became a testament to PRESSING START and RESTARTING my journey, placing my trust in God to guide me through stormy waters.

Thus, my heartfelt message to you is this: Physical fitness, intertwined with unwavering faith, fortifies our immunity, kindles healing, and refines our mind, body, and soul. It paves the path for us to evolve into the best version of ourselves. To underscore this sentiment, I often reflect on a cherished verse from the Bible:

“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” — 2 Corinthians 4:17,18