Becky Mcfadden

Lost 113 Pounds, in just 14 months!

How can you RESTART something that you never began?

May 25, 2021; I got a call from Coach Karen, who is also my cousin.  She didn’t call me to say anything about me losing weight, since she & I were at our family reunion in 2018; she knew I was carrying a lot of weight.  She called to talk about my health.  I have no idea what she said but at that time I was sporting 253 lbs wearing a woman’s size 18; I never saw anything wrong with that but after our conversation, I knew that I needed to, not that I wanted to, but that I needed to make a change so I joined her group: Restart Movement.
I began my transformation journey that June. In Restart Movement I learned the value of eating right, proper water intake, adequate sleep, & exercising.  We would meet on ZOOM weekly to support each other, share recipes or prepare a dish, set goals, and coach would educate us on different health topics.  Every day Coach would send out affirmations & words of encouragement.  We bonded through this group; “Wellness Warrior Sisters “; & we knew we had each other for accountability. 
My transformation showed me that  …I can do all things through Christ, oh yes this is a Christ-centered ministry & without God, Coach Karen & Restart Movement; I would not be able to say that as of today my average weight is: 145 lbs down from 253!

Thank you,